May 27, 2019 | Mine Consulting, Mining Resources|News
Burgex Inc. has been recognized by Insights Success Magazine as one of the Top 10 Most Recognized Mining Service Providers of 2019. This recognition has been made on the cover of a May 2019 issue of the magazine and features a six page article in the magazine with...
Jul 30, 2016 | Mining Resources|News
Christian Malanga, president of the United Congolese Party and a candidate for DRC presidency, speaks at the 2016 Responsible Extractives Summit about the needs of addressing the impact and effects of artisanal small mining in the Democratic Republic Of Congo. The...
Dec 3, 2015 | Claim Staking
Are we crazy to give out this free mining information? When we started building this blog and, more specifically, our section on Mining Resources and Articles I had to ask myself, why share all this free mining information? Aren’t we...