Jan 11, 2017 | Claim Staking, Mining Resources|News
The best resource for researching active lode and placer mining claims in the Western United States. Take your mining claim research to the next level! Burgex Inc. is a proud 2017 sponsor of Land Matters, the best new resource for mining claim research.As a mining...
Feb 10, 2016 | Mining Resources|News
This map shows most of the historically and currently producing placer gold districts of Nevada. Nevada is well known as the top U.S. producer of lode gold, but did you know Nevada also has placer gold deposits? Some of Nevada’s largest placer districts...
Jan 20, 2016 | Mining Resources|News
As part of our ongoing effort to educate and empower our readers and clients we have presented a variety of new resources. Today we are happy to present one of the most powerful research tools that we often use when searching for Nevada mining information; The Nevada...
Dec 15, 2015 | Mine Valuation, Mining Resources|News
Finding Prospects: U.S. Import Reliance Minerals In response to the mining project development flowchart that we recently posted we have received many excellent comments. A few of these comments indicated that developing a more complex flowchart may be in order...
Nov 20, 2015 | Mining Resources|News
Mineral exploration is an investment, and like any investment, due diligence is the key to reducing risk. With so much hype and focus on potential returns in the millions or even billions of dollars it is easy for investors and potential investors to lose their grip...