Feb 5, 2016 | Claim Staking, Mining Resources|News
Alaska: Big, beautiful, wild, and full of opportunities. The rugged expanse of Alaska has posed many challenges for its explorers and inhabitants over the centuries, and there is no doubt that it still poses these same challenges today. As with most things in...
Jan 28, 2016 | Claim Staking, Mine Valuation, Mining Resources|News
For a limited time we are offering 20% off all landman and staking services on projects of 10 claims or more. Have you been waiting for a sign to stake those gold claims and get started on your mineral exploration project? Well, that time is here… Burgex Inc. is...
Jan 22, 2016 | Claim Staking, Mining Resources|News
Who can stake a mine claim in the United States? There are a few basic requirements that this poster neatly outlines. Who can own and stake a mine claim in the United States? The General Mining Act of 1872 lays down some clear outlines as to who is eligible to stake...
Dec 2, 2015 | Claim Staking, Mining Resources|News
You may have noticed that the Burgex website has been spiced up with some new professional photographs. Last weekend Crystal Burgess and Stuart Burgess teamed up with photographer Mike Capps to shoot claim staking and underground mine surveying and sampling photos...
Sep 19, 2015 | Claim Staking, Mining Resources|News
The Western United States may be one of the last places in the world where claims are physically staked on the ground by common citizens and multi-national mining corporations alike. We get a lot of questions from people in the mining industry. These people...